Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Preparing to re-bleach my hair...

Going down this road again, with the intentions of following my own critiques and advice in 'How I ruined my hair' so that I don't make the same idiotic mistakes.

So for the 'prepping'

I've got some lovely washing up liquid to get the blue out of my fringe....

(I'd say my hair is a tiny bit longer now than it is here but its not a huge difference)

So with my plan to dye it around a week from now, tomorrow I'll stick some dish soap in my hair and hope that it lifts the blue as much as possible!

I also want my hair to be in the best condition possible, so I'll be using my favourite concoction of warm coconut and olive oil as a hair mask, as well as my BLEACH London hair mask that I love so very much!

I'll also be getting a couple of my friends to help me dye it this time, instead of being an idiot and trying to do it myself again.

I should be using the BLEACH London bleach kit and toner because I've read a lot of good reviews and to be quite honest the whole style of their company & their range of products appeal to me!

You might be thinking, why don't you just go to the hairdressers? Well as a student, £80+ quote for bleach and cut on hair my length just didn't sit right at all.

I'll keep updating this blog as I go along, since this seems to be turning into just a hair bleaching- fiasco blog!!!

....and hopefully this time nothing will go wrong...

(Jinx it much?)

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