Friday, 7 November 2014

The attempt to save my hair part 3

1 ------> Here 
1.5 ------> Here
2 ------> Here
How I ruined my hair in the first place

I tried the avocado and banana combo again and we had the same deal as last time; crazy horrible dry knotted hair in the shower and generally soft but still gross ends when dry.
Obviously the easiest way to fix the dry ends would be to get them cut so I can't complain about that one in any way.
Saying that, I have been using Fudge's Miracle Ends which smells so amazing and does make the ends of your hair feel softer, as long as you only use a tiny bit else it goes all greasy looking. One thing that I have noticed is that in the past I used to have a habit of rolling the ends of my hair between my fingers, leading to it knotting up and snapping off, but recently that hasn't been the case. Result!
I also gave the Bleach London hair mask another try with awesome results again, but I still want to trail it for a bit longer before doing a 'proper' review.

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