Saturday, 1 November 2014

The attempt to save my hair part one

So recently it's come to my attention that my hair is absolutely ruined. It feels dry and straw and still turns into a birds nest on top in the shower. So I've set myself an ultimatum; try some intensive homemade hair treatments over the next 2-3 weeks, and if its still terrible, it all comes off. Considering i've been trying to grow this mess for months, this is a pretty big decision, but right now it seems like its going nowhere. But, I don't want to give up on it just yet! Tonight's the first attempt at my own hair mask, and here's the ingredients;

- x1 egg
- a bit of Heins light mayo
- a tiny spoonful of Superdrug coconut oil
-a some olive oil

I heated the olive and coconut oil in the microwave for 30 seconds to melt the coconut oil (its solid at room temp) and then mixed the egg and the mayo in afterwards

I applied it onto my hair (dry) like any shampoo or conditioner, and it smelt awful! And it made my hair feel dryer! I thought this might just be how it felt on my hair before rinsing, but after waiting 20 minutes and washing it out it took 2 lots of conditioner to make it feel half decent again.

Back to the drawing board!

I woke up this morning and now my hair's completely dry it feels a tiny bit better. So maybe this stuff is working!

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